Masterclass Dog Photography

Portrait & Action

13 & 14 October 2018


We are happy to invite you for a 2-days Masterclass that will take place in Belgium, 20 minutes under Brussel on the 13th & 14th of October 2018.




First day

Bring your camera gear with you

- Introduction

- Dog Behavior

- Owners and Dogs

- Dealing with natural light

- The magic moment

- How to find the right place for a Photoshoot

- Different shooting techniques , Portrait and Action

- How to get the best images straight out of the camera

- Shooting time in a beautiful urban location and a forest with dog models

- Individual analysis of each one during the shooting


Second day

Bring your pc/notebook

- Discuss the photo's we made the day before

- Editing the photo of the dog in photoshop

- Individual analysis of each one during the process

- I will show you my complete workflow how I edit my images on a big screen.

- End of workshop with the awarding of certificate


What do you need to attend this workshop?

- a camera and of course your lenses ( Zoom 2.8 or a Prime )

- basic knowlegde of aperture, ISO and shutterspeed (being able to use your camera in manual mode)


IMPORTANT: This workshop will be given in English.


25% non-refundable deposit is required to secure your participation.


To enquire please contact:


Monica van der Maden



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